2021.10.13 UP
【SHOWCASE in the Screen】#11. Sofia Albina Novikoff Unger + Charlie Yetton《The Slow Longing (Sofia Albina Novikoff Unger) / CAVE (Charlie Yetton)》

SHOWCASE in the Screen
#11. Sofia Albina Novikoff Unger + Charlie Yetton《The Slow Longing (Sofia Albina Novikoff Unger) / CAVE (Charlie Yetton) 》
[コンセプト Concept]
今回のShowcase in the screenは Sofia Albina Novikoff Unger と Charlie Yetton 2人のアーティストによる2つの映像作品になります。 Charlie Yetton の作品Caveは鍵を持った男が孤独に洞窟で生活をする一部始終を映像にまとめたもので、Sofia Albina Novikoff Ungerの作品The Slow LongingはCGアニメーションを使い、ウサギの人間があたかも未来から送られてきた手紙のような詩的な物語を展開します。 この二つの作品は2017年、2019年に制作され、コロナ前に作られた作品ではありますが、昨年以降、地球規模で我々が強いられてきた非日常的な状況と何らかの関連があるようなシュールレアリスティックな描写がされています。 今回、この二つの作品をオムニバス形式で紹介する事で、この先更なる未来を想像できたらと思います。
[作家について About the Artist]
Sofia Albina Novikoff Unger
Born Copenhagen, 1990
Education: 2016-2019 MFA Fine Art, Goldsmiths University, London (UK) 2011-2015 BFA Fine Art, The Funen Art Academy, Odense (DK) - Exchange at Universität Der Künste, Prof. Hito Steyerl Class, Berlin (DE) 2009-2010 Otis College of Art and Design, Los Angeles (US)
Solo Exhibitions: 2021: ‘21st Century Fox’, Tranen, Copenhagen (TBA) ‘Spectacular Slippiness’, In The Closet, Tromsø, NO ‘Faith is a Cascade’, Seager Gallery, London 2019: ‘A Slow Longing Collapse’, Broadway Gallery, Letchworth Garden City, UK ‘Sea2_Serafim+’Bama on The L Word’, ilyd.nu, online lydudstilling 2018: ‘Donna, Amore, Delfino’, Relæet, Copenhagen 2017: ‘Item for a Resurrection’, Changing Rooms, London 2016: ‘Fragile Environments’, Access Space, Sheffield, UK 2014: ‘Ad Lib. Golf it. yup.’, FAA Project Room, Odense, DK
Group Exhibitions and screenings (selected): 2021: ‘Flydende Fiktioner’, Rønnebæksholm, Næstved, DK (TBA) ‘To Be Human’, Zona Mista, London, UK (TBA) ‘Traverse Video Festival’, ENSAV, Toulouse, FR 2020: ‘The Slow Longing’ screening at 66th International Short Film Festival Oberhausen, DE ‘The Slow Longing’ screening at CPH:DOX Film Festival, Copenhagen ‘Get Out of my Starchart’, Nikola Tesla Technical Museum, Zagreb, CR ‘Chasing Unborn Shadows', Gossamer Fog, London ‘Traverse Vidéo’, The Abattoirs Museum for Modern Art, Toulouse, FR ‘Phenological Time Twist Cards’, cosmoscarl.com, online solo commission 2019: ‘Befriending Hyperobjects’, Navel, Los Angeles ‘Sea2_Serafim Selected Ontology Screening’, Seager Gallery, London ‘刹那即永恒 - One Minute is Eternal’, Power Station of Art, Shanghai ‘6x6 Project Screening’, SET Dalston, London 'Plucky Pony Makes Break For Freedom', SET, London ‘Skin-Contact’, Enclave Lab, London ‘Gold on Film 2019’, Film festival, Curzon Cinema Goldsmiths, London ‘The Eyes of the Outsiders’, Chalton Gallery screening at USSR Studio, Mexico City 2018: ‘Abracadabra’, 6th Moscow International Biennale for Young Art, Moscow ‘Bufo Bufo (aeons below)’, Screening at Art & Technology Conference, Sogang University, Seoul ‘GIOTPOR’ as Novi Young (online compilation album), Assembly Point, London ‘(+dis-)embody’ by Proxy Mund, Deptford X Festival, London ‘Proxy Mund’, External Pages, online solo commission ‘g_URL 2.0: techno-utopia’, Sluice Projects, London 2017: ‘Selected VII by Jarman Awardees screening’, Whitechapel Gallery; CCA Glasgow; Nottingham Contemporary; Fabrica; Plymouth Arts Centre; Exeter Phoenix, UK ‘Selected VII Southeast Asia Tour’, The Reading Room (Bangkok); Hanoi DocLab & Six Space; Lost Frames (Quezon City); 1335MABINI (Manila) ‘Irridescent Oil (aeons below)’, Jupiter Woods, London http://www.sofianovikoffunger.com/
Charlie Yetton
b. 1983, London, England
2017-2022, MFA, Goldsmiths, University of London 2002-2005, BA, Sculpture, University of Brighton
Recent Exhibitions Group: 2019 ‘neo:art prize’, Bolton Museum Gallery, Bolton 2019 ‘Slippery Sum’, APT Gallery, London 2018 ‘Brighton Photo Fringe Open 18 Moving Image’, Onca Gallery, Brighton 2018 ‘Unfamiliar Shift’, No Format Gallery, London Awards and Residencies 2019 Nominated for neo:art prize, Bolton 2018 Selected for Brighton Photo Fringe Open 18 Moving Image 2013 Acme Studios 40th Anniversary Website Commission 2013 Residency, Four Scenarios, Bermondsey Project Space 2, London 2006 Residency, The Readings, A.P.T Studios, London www.charlieyetton.com
[展示風景 Exhibition View]

#11. Sofia Albina Novikoff Unger + Charlie Yetton《The Slow Longing (Sofia Albina Novikoff Unger) / CAVE (Charlie Yetton) 》
[コンセプト Concept]
今回のShowcase in the screenは Sofia Albina Novikoff Unger と Charlie Yetton 2人のアーティストによる2つの映像作品になります。 Charlie Yetton の作品Caveは鍵を持った男が孤独に洞窟で生活をする一部始終を映像にまとめたもので、Sofia Albina Novikoff Ungerの作品The Slow LongingはCGアニメーションを使い、ウサギの人間があたかも未来から送られてきた手紙のような詩的な物語を展開します。 この二つの作品は2017年、2019年に制作され、コロナ前に作られた作品ではありますが、昨年以降、地球規模で我々が強いられてきた非日常的な状況と何らかの関連があるようなシュールレアリスティックな描写がされています。 今回、この二つの作品をオムニバス形式で紹介する事で、この先更なる未来を想像できたらと思います。
[作家について About the Artist]
Sofia Albina Novikoff Unger
Born Copenhagen, 1990
Education: 2016-2019 MFA Fine Art, Goldsmiths University, London (UK) 2011-2015 BFA Fine Art, The Funen Art Academy, Odense (DK) - Exchange at Universität Der Künste, Prof. Hito Steyerl Class, Berlin (DE) 2009-2010 Otis College of Art and Design, Los Angeles (US)
Solo Exhibitions: 2021: ‘21st Century Fox’, Tranen, Copenhagen (TBA) ‘Spectacular Slippiness’, In The Closet, Tromsø, NO ‘Faith is a Cascade’, Seager Gallery, London 2019: ‘A Slow Longing Collapse’, Broadway Gallery, Letchworth Garden City, UK ‘Sea2_Serafim+’Bama on The L Word’, ilyd.nu, online lydudstilling 2018: ‘Donna, Amore, Delfino’, Relæet, Copenhagen 2017: ‘Item for a Resurrection’, Changing Rooms, London 2016: ‘Fragile Environments’, Access Space, Sheffield, UK 2014: ‘Ad Lib. Golf it. yup.’, FAA Project Room, Odense, DK
Group Exhibitions and screenings (selected): 2021: ‘Flydende Fiktioner’, Rønnebæksholm, Næstved, DK (TBA) ‘To Be Human’, Zona Mista, London, UK (TBA) ‘Traverse Video Festival’, ENSAV, Toulouse, FR 2020: ‘The Slow Longing’ screening at 66th International Short Film Festival Oberhausen, DE ‘The Slow Longing’ screening at CPH:DOX Film Festival, Copenhagen ‘Get Out of my Starchart’, Nikola Tesla Technical Museum, Zagreb, CR ‘Chasing Unborn Shadows', Gossamer Fog, London ‘Traverse Vidéo’, The Abattoirs Museum for Modern Art, Toulouse, FR ‘Phenological Time Twist Cards’, cosmoscarl.com, online solo commission 2019: ‘Befriending Hyperobjects’, Navel, Los Angeles ‘Sea2_Serafim Selected Ontology Screening’, Seager Gallery, London ‘刹那即永恒 - One Minute is Eternal’, Power Station of Art, Shanghai ‘6x6 Project Screening’, SET Dalston, London 'Plucky Pony Makes Break For Freedom', SET, London ‘Skin-Contact’, Enclave Lab, London ‘Gold on Film 2019’, Film festival, Curzon Cinema Goldsmiths, London ‘The Eyes of the Outsiders’, Chalton Gallery screening at USSR Studio, Mexico City 2018: ‘Abracadabra’, 6th Moscow International Biennale for Young Art, Moscow ‘Bufo Bufo (aeons below)’, Screening at Art & Technology Conference, Sogang University, Seoul ‘GIOTPOR’ as Novi Young (online compilation album), Assembly Point, London ‘(+dis-)embody’ by Proxy Mund, Deptford X Festival, London ‘Proxy Mund’, External Pages, online solo commission ‘g_URL 2.0: techno-utopia’, Sluice Projects, London 2017: ‘Selected VII by Jarman Awardees screening’, Whitechapel Gallery; CCA Glasgow; Nottingham Contemporary; Fabrica; Plymouth Arts Centre; Exeter Phoenix, UK ‘Selected VII Southeast Asia Tour’, The Reading Room (Bangkok); Hanoi DocLab & Six Space; Lost Frames (Quezon City); 1335MABINI (Manila) ‘Irridescent Oil (aeons below)’, Jupiter Woods, London http://www.sofianovikoffunger.com/
Charlie Yetton
b. 1983, London, England
2017-2022, MFA, Goldsmiths, University of London 2002-2005, BA, Sculpture, University of Brighton
Recent Exhibitions Group: 2019 ‘neo:art prize’, Bolton Museum Gallery, Bolton 2019 ‘Slippery Sum’, APT Gallery, London 2018 ‘Brighton Photo Fringe Open 18 Moving Image’, Onca Gallery, Brighton 2018 ‘Unfamiliar Shift’, No Format Gallery, London Awards and Residencies 2019 Nominated for neo:art prize, Bolton 2018 Selected for Brighton Photo Fringe Open 18 Moving Image 2013 Acme Studios 40th Anniversary Website Commission 2013 Residency, Four Scenarios, Bermondsey Project Space 2, London 2006 Residency, The Readings, A.P.T Studios, London www.charlieyetton.com
[展示風景 Exhibition View]