2020.01.12 UP
【SHOWCASE in the Screen】#5.シビラ パトリチア & クレメンタインナット《UNBROKEN》

SHOWCASE in the Screen
2020.1.8ー 1.24
東京を拠点に活動するイギリス人アーティスト、クレメンタイン・ナットによって描かれる、日本の伝統技法「金継ぎ」に関するショートドキュメンタリー。3千年前に誕生した「金継ぎ」という技法だが、「破損」を「装飾」し、より美しいものへと昇華させる哲学は、現在もなお生き続けている。UNBROKEN is a short documentary film exploring the traditional Japanese art of kintsugi through the eyes of British, Tokyo-based artist Clementine Nuttall. Although the history of kintsugi can be traced back 3000 years, the core philosophy of this art form and its embracement of failure and change as an opportunity for betterment and sign of resilience is still as relevant today as it was in the past.

2020.1.8ー 1.24
#5.シビラ パトリチア & クレメンタインナット Sybilla Patrizia & Clementine Nuttall《UNBROKEN》
[コンセプト concept]
東京を拠点に活動するイギリス人アーティスト、クレメンタイン・ナットによって描かれる、日本の伝統技法「金継ぎ」に関するショートドキュメンタリー。3千年前に誕生した「金継ぎ」という技法だが、「破損」を「装飾」し、より美しいものへと昇華させる哲学は、現在もなお生き続けている。UNBROKEN is a short documentary film exploring the traditional Japanese art of kintsugi through the eyes of British, Tokyo-based artist Clementine Nuttall. Although the history of kintsugi can be traced back 3000 years, the core philosophy of this art form and its embracement of failure and change as an opportunity for betterment and sign of resilience is still as relevant today as it was in the past.
[イベント event]
ティータイム レセプション
1/23(木)15:00-16:00 @藝大食堂
参加:学生 無料(申込不要) 一般 1,000円(要申込 ) *軽食・1DRINK付
1/23(木)15:00-16:00 @藝大食堂
参加:学生 無料(申込不要) 一般 1,000円(要申込 ) *軽食・1DRINK付
[作家について about the Artist]
シビラ パトリチア & クレメンタインナット Sybilla Patrizia & Clementine Nuttall

The creative team behind UNBROKEN are Sybilla Patrizia and Clementine Nuttall.
Sybilla Patrizia is a documentary photographer and filmmaker based in Tokyo. In her work, she has covered social, cultural and political topics such as the struggle of Tibetan refugees in Northern India, political movements
in Hong Kong, the portrayal of women in Japanese mainstream culture as well as traditional Japanese arts.
Clementine Nuttall is the artist behind The Kintsugi Studio, a creative practice that focuses on the Japanese philosophy of repairing ceramics with gold. In the UK she trained in the traditional crafts, and she is now based inTokyo - making sculpture, installation and film that explores the human role in the material lifecycle.
Sybilla Patrizia is a documentary photographer and filmmaker based in Tokyo. In her work, she has covered social, cultural and political topics such as the struggle of Tibetan refugees in Northern India, political movements
in Hong Kong, the portrayal of women in Japanese mainstream culture as well as traditional Japanese arts.
Clementine Nuttall is the artist behind The Kintsugi Studio, a creative practice that focuses on the Japanese philosophy of repairing ceramics with gold. In the UK she trained in the traditional crafts, and she is now based inTokyo - making sculpture, installation and film that explores the human role in the material lifecycle.