2019.11.27 UP
【SHOWCASE in the Screen】#4.笹岡由梨子 Yuriko Sasaoka《ジャイロ Gyro》

《ジャイロ》ビデオ・インスタレーション、5分27秒 ©️Yuriko Sasaoka
SHOWCASE in the Screen
2019.12.3ー 12.27
I have experienced a number of natural disasters. Last year, my town was hit by a big earthquake and typhoon. These caused some deaths and injuries, and some neighbourhoods have not yet recovered. But I was not furious about the natural disasters. I rather 'accepted' the cause. In a way, these disasters could be viewed as 'the work of the devil', but instead, we have embraced nature, accepted this reality and lived with it. My work Gyro concerns with religious demons in the world - the cause of disasters. Some demons rebelled against the gods and they could no longer exist as angels. Although the idea of demons is not familiar to Japanese people, instead, the tremendous number of natural disasters in Japan have been viewed as the work of the gods; thus, we worship them. Since we cannot be in control of natural disasters, we accept them as if the ritual ablution to purify ourselves.
We have the mind of both a devil and an angel, as if religious demons used to be angels. As we have forgiven nature for past disasters, I want to forgive 'the demon' for the causes of previous catastrophes. In the spirit of forgiveness, I created Gyro, a video installation inspired by the theme of various religious demons. I hope that many things will be forgiven and loved and bad intentions dismissed, so that this world will be a better place to live in.

SHOWCASE in the Screen
2019.12.3ー 12.27
#4.笹岡由梨子 Yuriko Sasaoka《ジャイロ Gyro》
[コンセプト concept]
I have experienced a number of natural disasters. Last year, my town was hit by a big earthquake and typhoon. These caused some deaths and injuries, and some neighbourhoods have not yet recovered. But I was not furious about the natural disasters. I rather 'accepted' the cause. In a way, these disasters could be viewed as 'the work of the devil', but instead, we have embraced nature, accepted this reality and lived with it. My work Gyro concerns with religious demons in the world - the cause of disasters. Some demons rebelled against the gods and they could no longer exist as angels. Although the idea of demons is not familiar to Japanese people, instead, the tremendous number of natural disasters in Japan have been viewed as the work of the gods; thus, we worship them. Since we cannot be in control of natural disasters, we accept them as if the ritual ablution to purify ourselves.
We have the mind of both a devil and an angel, as if religious demons used to be angels. As we have forgiven nature for past disasters, I want to forgive 'the demon' for the causes of previous catastrophes. In the spirit of forgiveness, I created Gyro, a video installation inspired by the theme of various religious demons. I hope that many things will be forgiven and loved and bad intentions dismissed, so that this world will be a better place to live in.
[イベント event]
12/6(金)18:00- @藝大食堂
小沢剛(現代美術作家/東京藝大美術学部教授)× 草野温子(12月の展示作家/東京藝大美術学部助手)
参加:学生 無料(申込不要) 一般 1,000円(要申込 ) *軽食・1DRINK付
12/6(金)18:00- @藝大食堂
小沢剛(現代美術作家/東京藝大美術学部教授)× 草野温子(12月の展示作家/東京藝大美術学部助手)
参加:学生 無料(申込不要) 一般 1,000円(要申込 ) *軽食・1DRINK付
[作家について about Artist]
笹岡由梨子 Yuriko Sasaoka

2012年 京都市立芸術大学美術学部油画専攻卒業
2014年 京都市立芸術大学大学院美術研究科修士課程油画専攻修了
2017年 京都市立芸術大学大学院美術研究科博士(後期)課程メディア・アート専攻 満期退学
「うたう命 うごめく心」spiral garden(東京)
「CELEBRATION -Japanese-Polish Contemporary Art Exhibition- in Szczecin」TRAFO(Szczecin/Poland)
「ポーランド芸術祭2019 in Japan セレブレーション-日本ポーランド現代美術展-」京都芸術センター(京都)
「In the Flat World」Sky Garden of Hyundai Department Store(ソウル / 韓国)
「3331 Art Fair 2019」3331 Arts Chiyoda(東京)
「ARTIST’S FAIR KYOTO 2019」京都新聞本社ビル印刷工場(京都)
「虛寫邊界」關渡美術館(台北 / 台湾)
「Kyoto Art for Tomorrow 2019―京都府新鋭選抜展―」京都文化博物館(京都)-主な賞歴等-
2019年 Kyoto Art for Tomorrow 2019―京都府新鋭選抜展―:最優秀賞
2018年 平成30年度新進芸術家海外研修制度の短期派遣(後期)/台湾
2017年 群馬青年ビエンナーレ 大賞
2016年 岡本太郎現代芸術賞 特別賞
2015年 群馬青年ビエンナーレ2015入選
2014年 アートアワードトーキョー丸の内2014 審査員:建畠晢賞- Education -
2012 B.F.A in oil painting from Kyoto City University of Arts
2014 M.F.A in oil painting from Kyoto City University of Arts
2017 Completed the doctoral program without a doctoral degree of doctoral program in media-art from Kyoto
City University of Arts
Now, based “Vostok” in Kyoto- Selected Exhibition -
“Ascending Art Anual Vol.3 “ spiral garden (Tokyo)
“CELEBRATION -Japanese-Polish Contemporary Art Exhibition- in Szczecin” TRAFO(Szczecin/Poland)
“Polish Art Festival 2019 in Japan” Kyoto Art Center (Kyoto)
"In the Flat World" Sky Garden of Hyundai Department Store(Seoul/Korea)
“3331 Art Fair 2019” 3331 Arts Chiyoda (Tokyo)
“ARTIST’S FAIR KYOTO 2019” Kyoto Shimbun head office building printing plant (Kyoto)
“On The Verge of Fiction” 1F, Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, TNUA (Taipei/ Taiwan)
“Kyoto Art for Tomorrow 2019 – Selected Artists in Kyoto” The Museum of Kyoto (Kyoto)- Selected Awards -
2019 “Kyoto Art for Tomorrow 2019 – Selected Artists in Kyoto” The Museum of Kyoto/ Gold prize
2018 “FY2019 New Artists Overseas Training Program Shirt-term Dispatch (Late) /Taiwan
The Best Young Artist Award by City of Kyoto
2017 The 13th Gunma Biennale for Young Artist/ Gold prize
2016 The 19th Exhibition of the Taro Okamoto Award for Contemporary Art/ Special prize
2015 The 12th Gunma Biennale for Young Artist be accepted
The 18th Japan Media Arts Festival/Art Division Jury Selection
2014 Art Award Tokyo Marunouchi 2014/Akira Tatehata prize
2012年 京都市立芸術大学美術学部油画専攻卒業
2014年 京都市立芸術大学大学院美術研究科修士課程油画専攻修了
2017年 京都市立芸術大学大学院美術研究科博士(後期)課程メディア・アート専攻 満期退学
「うたう命 うごめく心」spiral garden(東京)
「CELEBRATION -Japanese-Polish Contemporary Art Exhibition- in Szczecin」TRAFO(Szczecin/Poland)
「ポーランド芸術祭2019 in Japan セレブレーション-日本ポーランド現代美術展-」京都芸術センター(京都)
「In the Flat World」Sky Garden of Hyundai Department Store(ソウル / 韓国)
「3331 Art Fair 2019」3331 Arts Chiyoda(東京)
「ARTIST’S FAIR KYOTO 2019」京都新聞本社ビル印刷工場(京都)
「虛寫邊界」關渡美術館(台北 / 台湾)
「Kyoto Art for Tomorrow 2019―京都府新鋭選抜展―」京都文化博物館(京都)-主な賞歴等-
2019年 Kyoto Art for Tomorrow 2019―京都府新鋭選抜展―:最優秀賞
2018年 平成30年度新進芸術家海外研修制度の短期派遣(後期)/台湾
2017年 群馬青年ビエンナーレ 大賞
2016年 岡本太郎現代芸術賞 特別賞
2015年 群馬青年ビエンナーレ2015入選
2014年 アートアワードトーキョー丸の内2014 審査員:建畠晢賞- Education -
2012 B.F.A in oil painting from Kyoto City University of Arts
2014 M.F.A in oil painting from Kyoto City University of Arts
2017 Completed the doctoral program without a doctoral degree of doctoral program in media-art from Kyoto
City University of Arts
Now, based “Vostok” in Kyoto- Selected Exhibition -
“Ascending Art Anual Vol.3 “ spiral garden (Tokyo)
“CELEBRATION -Japanese-Polish Contemporary Art Exhibition- in Szczecin” TRAFO(Szczecin/Poland)
“Polish Art Festival 2019 in Japan” Kyoto Art Center (Kyoto)
"In the Flat World" Sky Garden of Hyundai Department Store(Seoul/Korea)
“3331 Art Fair 2019” 3331 Arts Chiyoda (Tokyo)
“ARTIST’S FAIR KYOTO 2019” Kyoto Shimbun head office building printing plant (Kyoto)
“On The Verge of Fiction” 1F, Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, TNUA (Taipei/ Taiwan)
“Kyoto Art for Tomorrow 2019 – Selected Artists in Kyoto” The Museum of Kyoto (Kyoto)- Selected Awards -
2019 “Kyoto Art for Tomorrow 2019 – Selected Artists in Kyoto” The Museum of Kyoto/ Gold prize
2018 “FY2019 New Artists Overseas Training Program Shirt-term Dispatch (Late) /Taiwan
The Best Young Artist Award by City of Kyoto
2017 The 13th Gunma Biennale for Young Artist/ Gold prize
2016 The 19th Exhibition of the Taro Okamoto Award for Contemporary Art/ Special prize
2015 The 12th Gunma Biennale for Young Artist be accepted
The 18th Japan Media Arts Festival/Art Division Jury Selection
2014 Art Award Tokyo Marunouchi 2014/Akira Tatehata prize