2024.03.31 UP
【SHOWCASE in the Screen】#26. 川村愛 / Ai Kawamura《対話とは何か〜哲学カフェ・思考の現場〜+住宅街の小料理屋〜萌寿の女将 江森さん〜/What is Dialogue – Philosophy Café, the site of thinking + Emori-san, proprietress of Moeju, a small restaurant in a residential area 》

SHOWCASE in the Screen
#26. 川村愛 / Ai Kawamura《対話とは何か〜哲学カフェ・思考の現場〜+住宅街の小料理屋〜萌寿の女将 江森さん〜/What is Dialogue - Philosophy Café, the site of thinking + Emori-san, proprietress of Moeju, a small restaurant in a residential area 》
[コンセプト Concept]
⚫︎「対話とは何か〜哲学カフェ・思考の現場〜 What is Dialogue - Philosophy Café, the site of thinking」(2023、12分)
A video recording of a dialogue on "What is Dialogue?"This work was produced with the cooperation of the Philosophy Circle of Waseda University.
⚫︎「住宅街の小料理屋〜萌寿の女将 江森さん〜」(2023、15分)
The sign of Moeju stands alone in a residential area of Urayasu. Today, regular customers and passersby gather in the quiet residential area. The proprietress, Ms. Emori, started the store after the Great East Japan Earthquake. In her store, she offers a variety of beautiful sake, which she obtained by visiting sake breweries and sake tasting events throughout Japan, as well as dishes that go well with the sake. This documentary explores Emori's passion for his restaurant and sake, as well as his personality, which is evident in his friendly interactions with customers.
[作家について About the Artist]

川村愛 Ai Kawamura
Born in 1995 in Kochi Prefecture. After graduating from the Department of Cultural Studies at University of Kochi, she worked as a librarian and has been enrolled in the Department of Inter Media Art Expression at Tokyo University of the Arts since 2022.
Influenced by philosophy and Buddhism, she creates works using video, installation, and text, focusing on perceptions that are transformed by other people and the environment.
[Events イベント]
2024年5月24〜26日「五芸祭in金沢」金沢美術工芸大学、石川県 出展予定
[展示風景 Installation View]
#26. 川村愛 / Ai Kawamura《対話とは何か〜哲学カフェ・思考の現場〜+住宅街の小料理屋〜萌寿の女将 江森さん〜/What is Dialogue - Philosophy Café, the site of thinking + Emori-san, proprietress of Moeju, a small restaurant in a residential area 》
[コンセプト Concept]
⚫︎「対話とは何か〜哲学カフェ・思考の現場〜 What is Dialogue - Philosophy Café, the site of thinking」(2023、12分)
A video recording of a dialogue on "What is Dialogue?"This work was produced with the cooperation of the Philosophy Circle of Waseda University.
⚫︎「住宅街の小料理屋〜萌寿の女将 江森さん〜」(2023、15分)
The sign of Moeju stands alone in a residential area of Urayasu. Today, regular customers and passersby gather in the quiet residential area. The proprietress, Ms. Emori, started the store after the Great East Japan Earthquake. In her store, she offers a variety of beautiful sake, which she obtained by visiting sake breweries and sake tasting events throughout Japan, as well as dishes that go well with the sake. This documentary explores Emori's passion for his restaurant and sake, as well as his personality, which is evident in his friendly interactions with customers.
[作家について About the Artist]

川村愛 Ai Kawamura
Born in 1995 in Kochi Prefecture. After graduating from the Department of Cultural Studies at University of Kochi, she worked as a librarian and has been enrolled in the Department of Inter Media Art Expression at Tokyo University of the Arts since 2022.
Influenced by philosophy and Buddhism, she creates works using video, installation, and text, focusing on perceptions that are transformed by other people and the environment.
[Events イベント]
2024年5月24〜26日「五芸祭in金沢」金沢美術工芸大学、石川県 出展予定
[展示風景 Installation View]