2023.11.10 UP
Jean Lemonnier Dieu n’existe pas et les astronautes non plus|レモニエ・ジョン 神も、宇宙飛行士もいない

Jean Lemonnier レモニエ・ジョン
Dieu n'existe pas et les astronautes non plus
会期:2023年11月13日(月)-16日(木) 10:00-17:00
Trying to materialize into shapes and forms the questions I have — the relations between things, the spaces I can't visit — in a simple interpretation, the result of my incomplete understanding, like a child’s drawing of the sun and rainbow.
Creating my own drawing, my own map of the world and try to understand it through an abstract fiction.
アーティスト・プロフィール Artist Profile

Jean Lemonnier was born in July 1999 at the hospital of Bayonne, France. Interested in notions of sciences and spirituality like the void or the inner infinity of moments in suspension, Jean aims to create fictions of alternative permanence through different mediums. In 2021, Jean degreed from the MO.CO. ESBA, fine arts based in Montpellier, France, where he worked on different mediums and techniques like drawing, engraving, video, volume with wood and metal. He's currently living and working in Ibaraki, Japan, where he continues his studies on the master Global Art Practice of the Tokyo University of the Arts.