2023.05.18 UP
【SHOWCASE in the Screen】#21_1. 稲邉夏実/手塚美楽/鈴木理利子 InabeNatsumi / TezukaMira / SuzukikRiriko《無題 Untitled》

SHOWCASE in the Screen
#21_1. 稲邉夏実/手塚美楽/鈴木理利子 InabeNatsumi / TezukaMira / SuzukikRiriko《無題 Untitled》
2023, Video, 20min.
[コンセプト Concept]
東日本大震災から12年が経過し、あの頃子供だった我々は成長し、自らで物事を捉え直せる年齢になった。本作は、インタビュアーを鈴木、手塚 とし、震災当時、宮城県に住んでいた稲邉含む2名が震災について語り、そのインタビューを出発点とした。震災当日の経験、また震災後の生活の変化、行われてきた「復興」、またこの12年間で語られてきた「震災」について当事者が感じていることについて……。それを手塚が聞き、フィクションに書き換え、その物語を鈴木が映像化する。語り継ぐ困難さを抱えるなかで、インタビューから始まり、フィクションへ変遷していくプロセスを踏む。個人的な体験を「物語る」ことは可能か、現行の「語り」への言及にいどむ。
Twelve years have passed since the Great East Japan Earthquake, and those of us who were childrenback then have grown up and are now old enough to reassess things on our own.
This film is thestarting point where Suzuki and Tezuka interview 2 people, including Inabe, who were living in Miyagi Prefecture at the time of the disaster. The film is based on the experiences on the day of the disaster, as well as the changes in life after the disaster, the "reconstruction" that has taken place, and the feelings of the people involved about the "disaster" as told over the past 12 years: ....... Tezuka listens to these stories and rewrites them into fiction, which Suzuki then visualizes. The process begins with an interview and then moves on to fiction, amidst the difficulties of telling the story. The film attempts to address whether it is possible to "tell a story" about personal experiences, and refers to the current "storytelling".
[作家について About the Artist]
2021年、第1歌集『ロマンチック・ラブ・イデオロギー』を書肆侃侃房より刊行。インスタレーション、パフォーマンス、文章表現による制作をおこなう。主な展示として、2022年「60 歳まで友だちでいる方法」がある。
Inabe Natsumi
Born in Miyagi, Japan in 1999. Graduated with a BA from the Department of oil painting, Tama Art
University. Currently enrolled in the Master's Program in Intermedia Art, Tokyo University of the Arts. She creates performances, videos, and installations based on her own and other individuals' shared senses of gender, sexuality, trauma, and social roles, with the aim of alleviating these difficulties.
Ririko Suzuki
Born in Tokyo in 1999. Graduated with a BA from the Department of Imaging Arts, Musashino Art
University. Currently enrolled in the Master's program in Intermedia Art, Tokyo University of the Arts. While focusing on the theme of personal memories that are never transmitted to a third party and ideas that accompany daily life, she creates short films, installations, and other works based on the obsession and liberation associated with the mother-daughter issue.
Mira Tezuka
Born in Tokyo in 2000. Completed the Contemporary Art course at Bigakko, and is currently enrolled in the Master's Program in Intermedia Art, Tokyo University of the Arts. Her first collection of poetry, "Romantic Love Ideology," was published by Shoshikankanbo in 2021. She works in installation, performance, and writing. Her major exhibitions include "How to Stay Friends Until 60" (2022).
[Installation view]
#21_1. 稲邉夏実/手塚美楽/鈴木理利子 InabeNatsumi / TezukaMira / SuzukikRiriko《無題 Untitled》
2023, Video, 20min.
[コンセプト Concept]
東日本大震災から12年が経過し、あの頃子供だった我々は成長し、自らで物事を捉え直せる年齢になった。本作は、インタビュアーを鈴木、手塚 とし、震災当時、宮城県に住んでいた稲邉含む2名が震災について語り、そのインタビューを出発点とした。震災当日の経験、また震災後の生活の変化、行われてきた「復興」、またこの12年間で語られてきた「震災」について当事者が感じていることについて……。それを手塚が聞き、フィクションに書き換え、その物語を鈴木が映像化する。語り継ぐ困難さを抱えるなかで、インタビューから始まり、フィクションへ変遷していくプロセスを踏む。個人的な体験を「物語る」ことは可能か、現行の「語り」への言及にいどむ。
Twelve years have passed since the Great East Japan Earthquake, and those of us who were childrenback then have grown up and are now old enough to reassess things on our own.
This film is thestarting point where Suzuki and Tezuka interview 2 people, including Inabe, who were living in Miyagi Prefecture at the time of the disaster. The film is based on the experiences on the day of the disaster, as well as the changes in life after the disaster, the "reconstruction" that has taken place, and the feelings of the people involved about the "disaster" as told over the past 12 years: ....... Tezuka listens to these stories and rewrites them into fiction, which Suzuki then visualizes. The process begins with an interview and then moves on to fiction, amidst the difficulties of telling the story. The film attempts to address whether it is possible to "tell a story" about personal experiences, and refers to the current "storytelling".
[作家について About the Artist]
2021年、第1歌集『ロマンチック・ラブ・イデオロギー』を書肆侃侃房より刊行。インスタレーション、パフォーマンス、文章表現による制作をおこなう。主な展示として、2022年「60 歳まで友だちでいる方法」がある。
Inabe Natsumi
Born in Miyagi, Japan in 1999. Graduated with a BA from the Department of oil painting, Tama Art
University. Currently enrolled in the Master's Program in Intermedia Art, Tokyo University of the Arts. She creates performances, videos, and installations based on her own and other individuals' shared senses of gender, sexuality, trauma, and social roles, with the aim of alleviating these difficulties.
Ririko Suzuki
Born in Tokyo in 1999. Graduated with a BA from the Department of Imaging Arts, Musashino Art
University. Currently enrolled in the Master's program in Intermedia Art, Tokyo University of the Arts. While focusing on the theme of personal memories that are never transmitted to a third party and ideas that accompany daily life, she creates short films, installations, and other works based on the obsession and liberation associated with the mother-daughter issue.
Mira Tezuka
Born in Tokyo in 2000. Completed the Contemporary Art course at Bigakko, and is currently enrolled in the Master's Program in Intermedia Art, Tokyo University of the Arts. Her first collection of poetry, "Romantic Love Ideology," was published by Shoshikankanbo in 2021. She works in installation, performance, and writing. Her major exhibitions include "How to Stay Friends Until 60" (2022).
[Installation view]